About Wellendorf ENT - Iowa ENT - Dr. Wellendorf

Wellendorf ENT has been attending to families’ ear, nose and throat problems in western Iowa for over 25 years. In addition to the main office in Carroll, Iowa, we have multiple satellite clinics in surrounding communities. As well as seeing patients daily in the clinic, Dr. Wellendorf performs many ENT surgeries of the sinuses, tonsils, adenoids, BAHAs and ear tube placements.

When Dr. Wellendorf started his practice in Carroll in 1996, he never anticipated that he would be traveling to the communities where we now have clinics. What he did realize early in his career in Carroll was that there was a great demand in our area for an ENT practice. As time went by and appointment requests from patients outside the Carroll area came in, he decided that it would be more effective and a better experience for the patient if he travelled closer to their homes.

Now, almost two decades later, Wellendorf ENT has grown to one of the most successful practices in western Iowa. The number of communities we serve and the thousands of patients Dr. Wellendorf has helped speaks volumes for his reputation and abilities. All of these things will keep us as one of the most highly respected practices in the state.

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